GraffitiMats are an original invention. Sheree’s background as a rugweaver and textile artist led her to design what she could not weave on a handloom in a fabric collage. Durability was a trial and error kind of game with different varnishes, polyurethanes, and polyacrylics. And while we support our fellow floorcloth painting artists in pricing, we wanted to offer a less costly choice of small area floorcoverings than was available through only painted floorcloths.
GraffitiMats are fabric collaged mats. They are built on a primed and fabric covered canvas base. Each fabric piece is backed with a heat sensitive adhesive. The design layer is a fabric collage. The fabric is a 50/50 cotton poly in solid colors. Acrylic paint drawing is used to seal and outline all fabric pieces. Finish, in multiple layers, is applied to both sides of a GraffitiMat to completely seal the fabric layer. Through our experimentation, we were able to achieve a stain resistent and wipe off surface.
Graffitimats are guaranteed for the life of the mat (2 years) to be stain free. Please see our warranty. Most of our customers report their mats lasting between 6 and 8 years before they think of replacement. We have mats in our home as old as 15 years. Mats may be resurfaced by our studio to brighten and give a thorough cleaning. We do not charge for this service, but ask that the customer pay shipping both ways. Because of the refinements of oils in our foods, and the cleaning habits of individuals, some spots may eventually appear in a kitchen rug.
GraffitiMats like to stay flat. While they are indeed flexible, it is best to keep them flat. All 2x3 mats are mailed in a flat cardboard envelope type container. A larger GraffitiMat must be mailed rolled. Sometimes in rolling, a GraffitiMat will appear to have an uneven surface when removed from the box. This will even out in the first few weeks. The best remedy is to allow the GraffitiMat to relax on its own, and then walk on the mat as you would normally. The unevenness does not effect the performance or durability of the GraffitiMat, and we consider this characteristic a reflection of the unusual handmade textile of a GraffitiMat. If this short termed possibility is a negative for you, I would urge you to consider a painted floorcloth.
GraffitiMats are very flat and usually do not require doors to be shortened. They do not curl, crack, or yellow. If a GraffitiMat needs repair, we are happy to accomodate.
We make tablemats, floormats, deskblotters, mousepads, coasters and bookmarks in this technique. It is an original technique designed by Sheree White Sorrells. If you are unfamiliar with our mats, please request a sample.
Painted Floorcloths
For rugs larger than 3’x5’ or room size projects, we recommend a painted floorcloth. This is because when furniture is placed on the floorcloth and perhaps moved about as with a dining room setting, the floorcloth needs a heavier weight canvas to perform adequately. Painted floorcloths are more expensive than GraffitiMats because they are harder to make and take longer. We use an industrial weight canvas #4, and many layers of paint and finish on a floorcloth.
There are many techniques in use in the art world for the construction of a traditional painted floorcloth. Our technique is to carefully size and prime the canvas, add several layers of background paint to create a smooth surface, paint the design layer, and then add finish layers (7 or more) in the final stage. Each paint layer most be allowed to dry thoroughly. It is not a quick process.
Painted floorcloths last upward to 25 years. (yes, I said 25.) They are almost indestructible.
We make painted floorcloths in single widths to 9 1/2 feet. Length can be any length. For wider areas, splicing is an option.
In order to keep edges flat, we recommend a cut edge to floorcloths. The cut edge is treated with paint and finish just as the interior and will stay flat. We like the cut edge because it eliminates the bulk of a turned hem. We also do hemmed edges at the request of the customer as an added option.
If you are unfamiliar with our mats, please request a sample.
Fabric Mosaic Rugs
When your home requires something truly original and striking, you might want to consider a “Mosaic”.
A fabric mosaic is made from woven strips of fabric woven into tile shapes. The tiles are placed together on a backing and finishing is applied to both sides as a sealant. Each fabric is backed with a heat sensitive adhesive and is permanently fixed into place.
Mosaics are suitable for wall or floor. If used on the floor, they will last up to 15 years (wear tested in a kitchen for 18 years) and can be cleaned with a damp mop. If used as a wall piece, they can be suitably framed with or without glass. The decision of floor or wall should be made before the mosaic is constructed and finished.
If you are not familiar with our Fabric Mosaics, please request a sample.
This is an original technique invented by Sheree Sorrells.
Wall Art
I do wall art with fabric collage and mixed media techniques. My themes range from nature to color to politics. If you have a theme in mind, I am happy to consider it. Some of our wall art is sold framed, and some are sold unframed. I try to price my art pieces as honestly as possible, and the presented framing is a consideration of the price. If I have had a professional framer frame a piece, it has to be sold with consideration of framing costs. If I have used an economy frame and framed myself, the frame will be a minimal part of the final cost. If a piece is already framed, it must be purchased as is.
These pieces are particularly attractive in office or healthcare settings, and can be ordered to accommodate a custom color palette. The Four Seasons series has been popular with residential clients.
Custom wall art requires that the client give the artist control of the project. No samples (other than color) can be provided. No refunds can be extended.
Above: “Four Seasons, One”; Mixed media. Each piece 8” x 8”, framed 12” x 12”